Complacency among some dog owners alongside an inability to control their pets has led to…

Ceva Animal Health Unveils Solutions for Hatcheries and Pig Farms
Ceva Animal Health presents its latest innovations in animal health and farming,…

British Alpacas -a growing success
Duncan Pullar, CEO BAS
The British Alpaca Society is passionate about…

Pet Sector Provides Diversification Opportunity for Landowners
Lucrative opportunities for landowners seeking to diversify can be found in the UK’s fast-…

New animal and plant health safety rules coming into force in December
Preparations required by UK businesses have been set out ahead of imminent new regulations aimed…

Sales Of Veterinary Antibiotics Have Halved Over Last Four Years
Sales of antibiotics for use in food-producing animals have reduced by 53% in just four years…

Arla farmers launch initiative to get British bees buzzing again
Farmer-owned dairy cooperative launches Project Pollinator as part of Arla UK 360 research and…

Flock n Roll: Sheep Music To Help You Sleep More Comfortably
Back in April 2019, everyone here at Farm Diversity decided to play a little April Fools…

Drusillas Park – heading towards 100 years of farm diversity
Drusillas Park in East Sussex has welcomed two beautiful Jersey calves to their farm, harking…

Weekend lambing breaks at Cornish farmstay
Calling all tractor fanatics and animal lovers – a working farm in north Cornwall invited …